Ribbon and Bows

Give packages a sophisticated, elegant look with custom-printed ribbon and pull bows.

Perfect Bows Color Chart SmallAs a finishing touch, the simple addition of ribbon can make your packages stand out and be far more memorable than the competition. Add your logo or message to custom printed ribbon to enhance your company’s branding.

Pull bows are a simple yet beautiful way to dress up your gift baskets or gift packaging. Pull bows store flat and are remarkably easy to use. You’ll quickly make the perfect bow every time! Most are waterproof, and we have them at low, wholesale prices.

Ribbons and Bows Available

We offer an extensive line of woven, sheer and wire-edge fabrics, including:

  • Ribbon - gold foil hot stamped printed ribbonVeltex®
  • Flora-Satin® (printed and solid)
  • Wraphia®
  • Perfect Bows®
  • Curl Swirls®
  • Curling Ribbon
  • Wired Ribbon
Free Printing Offer on Shopping Bags, Boxes and More (Kraft Bag w/ Handles)FREE PLATES on shopping bags, boxes and other items in our catalog. Look for the “Imprint Me!” symbol. Expires soon! CALL NOW 678-377-7700. View our online catalog HERE.

Use Offer Code “FREE Plates Mar2025”

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